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E-VEIKALS  /  Cepumi  /  Bezē cepumi
"MĪĻCEPUMS" cepums ar šokolādes glazūru
"MĪĻCEPUMS" cepums ar šokolādes glazūru, 40g
2.49 €
minus-active Created with Sketch.
plus-active Created with Sketch.
Biskvīta cepumi ar zemenēm
Biskvīta cepumi ar zemenēm, 70g
2.49 €
minus-active Created with Sketch.
plus-active Created with Sketch.
Pilngraudu auzu cepumi ar riekstiem un medu
Pilngraudu auzu cepumi ar riekstiem un medu, 140g
3.16 €
minus-active Created with Sketch.
plus-active Created with Sketch.
Pilngraudu auzu cepumi ar šokolādi un medu
Pilngraudu auzu cepumi ar šokolādi un medu, 140g
3.16 €
minus-active Created with Sketch.
plus-active Created with Sketch.
Biskvīta cepumi ar āboliem un kanēli
Biskvīta cepumi ar āboliem un kanēli, 70g
2.41 €
minus-active Created with Sketch.
plus-active Created with Sketch.
Biskvīta cepumi ar Lattes garšu
Biskvīta cepumi ar Lattes garšu, 70g
2.41 €
minus-active Created with Sketch.
plus-active Created with Sketch.
Bezē cepumi ar šokolādi
Bezē cepumi ar šokolādi, 60g
1.85 €
minus-active Created with Sketch.
plus-active Created with Sketch.
Bezē cepumi ar avenēm
Bezē cepumi ar avenēm, 50g
1.85 €
minus-active Created with Sketch.
plus-active Created with Sketch.
Bezē cepumi ar mandeli un šokolādi
Bezē cepumi ar mandeli un šokolādi, 130g
2.97 €
minus-active Created with Sketch.
plus-active Created with Sketch.