Give moments full of love and joy to your loved ones! Unique chocolate bars are a great idea for a small and sweet surprise. "Strawberries in white chocolate" - the sweetness of white chocolate and pieces of strawberries is a wonderful combination of flavors that every connoisseur will appreciate. Real Belgian chocolate, as well as the highest quality freeze-dried strawberries, are used here in the production of bars.
baltā šokolāde 88 % (cukurs, kakao sviests, pilnpiena pulveris, emulgators: sojas lecitīns, dabīgs vaniļas aromatizētājs), liofilizētas zemenes 12%.
Kakao saturs baltajā šokolādē vismaz 30 %.
Enerģētiskā vērtība: 2280 kJ / 545 kcal.
100g produkta satur: taukus 33,1 g, tostarp piesātinātās taukskābes 19,8 g, ogļhidrātus 53,9 g, tostarp cukuri 53,8 g, šķiedrvielas 1,8 g, olbaltumvielas 6,4 g, sāli 0,20 g.