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Normunds Skaugis "MAIZES DVĒSELI MEKLĒJOT" ("Bread soul searching")
The book is not just an excellent baker's master's life story, it is a page of Latvian history, it is a ritual of celebrating bread and celebrating it.

Bread is a cultural asset often referred to in folklore - beliefs, puzzles and fairy tales, it is associated with various rituals, also used as a remedy and irreplaceable food product.

Later, many books, research and poetry were dedicated to bread. As revealed by L.Guļevska, it turns out that N.Skauģis has already dedicated poetry to the bread in the 8th grade, experiencing a loose bread donut.

Imants Ziedonis, one of the pillars of Latvian poetry, has also been admired for the power  of bread.

*         *         *

Īsti ķieģeļi un malka,
Ogļu sajušana smalka,
Īsti rudzi, īsti milti,
Mīkla uzturēta silti,
Laba malka cīk tur asis,
Ķimenes un abrkasis,-
Tās ir fineses, ko zinās
Tas, kas studēs, izdibinās.
Te tā ir. Es ar te biju.
Cik nu var- ar iebaudīju.
Daudz jau nevar, labāk valdies –
Maize silta vēl.
                             Un – paldies!


                                                 Imants Ziedonis
                                Lāču ceptuve, 22.05.1997.